Take Pleasure in a Straight, Attractive Smile With Orthodontics

If you wish to correct the alignment of misaligned teeth, correct overcrowding and gaps, and repair issues with your bite, you need to depend on your West Athens, CA orthodontist at Hawthorne Smile Spa. We bring the experience, skills, and training to provide the most recent treatments catered solely to your concerns and objectives for a brand-new smile.

After a detailed examination, we can consult with you about feasible orthodontic treatments and various other solutions that can effectively straighten your teeth for easier oral hygiene, a more appealing, confident smile, and improved dental health. Below are a few of our therapy methods you can pick from:

  • Preventive Orthodontics – By the time your child is 4 or 5 years old, they may benefit from services that address development issues and could prevent or reduce the need for braces when they are older.
  • Dentofacial Orthopedics – We design a custom appliance made to widen your child’s jaw, which can help them avoid breathing problems.
  • Space Maintainers – These can be invaluable for kids who lose one or more teeth before their permanent teeth are ready to erupt. Space maintainers hold that space so permanent teeth can erupt correctly.
  • Traditional Braces – Braces work well on crooked and uneven smiles, bite problems, and alignment issues.
  • OrthoFX – Get these stain-resistant, ultra-clear, and very comfortable aligners if you aren’t sure you want this kind of care. You can start this clear aligner treatment for only $85/month without a long-term commitment.
  • Invisalign – The original clear aligners company can give you the straight smile that you want if you wear them for 20-22 hours each day.
  • ClearCorrect – ClearCorrect aligners are usually less expensive than Invisalign and can work just as well
  • SureSmile® – SureSmile is another clear aligner option, and it may be better for you or your loved ones than Invisalign and ClearCorrect.

Find out which of our modern solutions is perfect for you! To see your West Athens, CA orthodontist at Hawthorne Smile Spa, call us today at 310-982-4895 or schedule ​​online for a consultation.