Avoid Dental Issues With Ongoing Care
When the patient comes in for the dental cleaning, it gives the dentist the opportunity to diagnose the patient. So diagnosis and treatment plan is dynamic. It’s an ongoing service.
Whereas the patient is developing from the primary, the baby teeth, they go through a phase of the mixed dentition. They have a few baby teeth and then a few permanent teeth, and then they go onward to having the secondary dentition, which is the permanent teeth. So we can see the growth and development of the patient.
So my seeing the patient every six months, sometimes I see a patient every three months, we can discover changes that’s happening, not only in the dentition, because I treat the whole body and the entire psyche of the patient. I can see when children are going to left, why? Because pediatric dentistry does have a component, a domain on the psychosocial aspect of the child.